Installation ============ ---------------------- Windows 7/10 Installer ---------------------- For most users, we recommend downloading the Windows 7/10 installer (`Releases `_). This installer automatically installs Python and all required packages in local subdirectories, registers the application (so that you can use the Windows tool 'Add or remove programs' to uninstall it), and creates shortcuts in the Start Menu and on the Desktop. You can run the application by simply clicking on its symbol on the Desktop or the Start Menu, or by running ``SBEMimage.bat`` in the installation folder. On Windows 10, it is recommended not to use high-resolution scaling. Currently, when using a scaling other than 100% on Windows 10, there may be problems with the font size in the GUI (but no impact on functionality). The installer can be downloaded and then used to install *SBEMimage* on computers that have no access to the internet. If you are using *DigitalMicrograph* (DM) to control a 3View microtome, the installation must be on the same computer on which DM is running. --------------------------- Installation for developers --------------------------- If you are familiar with Python and wish to run *SBEMimage* with your default system Python or a custom Python environment, follow the instructions below. (1) Install Python (3.6 or above) on the computer on which you wish to run *SBEMimage*. If you are using *DigitalMicrograph* (DM) to control a 3View microtome, the installation must be on the same computer on which DM is running. We recommend the Anaconda Python distribution: Important: Download Python version 3.6 or higher (not 2.7)! (2) Either clone the repository in ``C:\Utilities\SBEMimage`` or download all files from the GitHub repository ( and copy them into the folder ``C:\Utilities\SBEMimage`` (including the folder structure with subdirectories ``src``, ``img``, ``gui``…). You can choose a folder other than ``C:\Utilities``, but please ensure the program has full read/write access. The path to ```` should be: ``\SBEMimage\src\``. Important: In the DM communication script ``dm\SBEMimage_DMcom_GMS2.s`` (or the GMS3 version), you have to update the variable ``install_path`` if you use a directory other than ``C:\Utilities\SBEMimage`` or ``C:\pytools\SBEMimage``. (3) Make sure you can access the commands 'python' and 'pip' from your command line, either on a system level (you may have to include the appropriate folders in your %PATH% environment variable) or in a Python environment, which you need to activate first. (4) Use the command line to switch to the ``SBEMimage`` directory, in which the file ``requirements.txt`` is located and type: ``pip install -r requirements.txt``. This will install all required Python packages to run *SBEMimage*. Python environment for offline computers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you need to install *SBEMimage* on a computer that is not connected to the internet, the easiest solution is to download the installer, copy it to the offline machine, and install *SBEMimage* with the installer. If you wish to use your own Python environment on the offline machine, follow the instructions below. (1) Install the latest version of Anaconda or Miniconda (Python 3.6+) on the offline machine. (2) On a computer with internet access, create a conda environment that matches the conda environment on the acquisition computer: the architecture, operating system, and the Python version. Install pip using conda: ``conda install pip``. (3) Use the pip download option (``pip download ``) to download all required Python Wheel files rather than installing them, and copy them into a directory that you can then transfer to the offline computer. (4) On the offline computer, activate your Python environment (or use the system environment) and install all Wheel files with the command ``pip install ``. (5) Copy all *SBEMimage* directories and files (previously downloaded on another computer) to the folder ``C:\Utilities\SBEMimage`` on the offline computer. After that, you should be ready to run *SBEMimage*. Alternatively, you can try to use conda-pack to copy an entire environment from one computer to another: --------------------------- First start of the software --------------------------- If you use *DigitalMicrograph* (DM) to control a 3View microtome, you first have to load and run a script in DM that allows *SBEMimage* to communicate with DM. Load the script ``SBEMimage_DMcom_GMS2.s`` (for GMS 2) or ``SBEMimage_DMcom_GMS3.s`` (for GMS 3) in DM. It can be found in ``\SBEMimage\dm``. After opening the correct script in DM, click on *Execute*. The message : 'Ready. Waiting for command from SBEMimage...' should be displayed in DM's output window. Further information is provided in the script file. Now run the main application by executing the batch file ``SBEMimage.bat`` or by typing ``python`` in the console window (current directory must be ``\SBEMimage\src``). Select ``default.ini`` in the startup dialog. This default configuration will start *SBEMimage* in simulation mode. The simulation mode should always work because the APIs for the SEM and the microtome are disabled. This mode can be used to get familiar with the *SBEMimage* GUI (Main Controls and Viewport), set up acquisitions, calculate estimates, or look at existing data. If you can run *SBEMimage* in simulation mode, it means that your Python environment works and that the installation was successful. To switch to the normal application mode, do the following: When you have launched *SBEMimage* with ``default.ini``, save the current configuration under a new name (Top menu: 'Configuration' -> 'Save as new configuration file') . This will be your first custom user configuration. You will also be asked to provide a name for your system configuration (for example, 'Gemini3View_FMI_Basel'). This name will refer to the system settings of your setup (devices, hardware settings, calibrations). All of the future user/project configuration files will link to that system configuration. Now, when you have saved your first custom user configuration file (the new file name should be displayed in the status bar of the Main Controls window, and next to it the system configuration file name), click on ``Configuration`` in the top menu and then on ``Leave simulation mode``. Confirm and restart *SBEMimage* with your new configuration file. If the communication script is running in *DigitalMicrograph* and the *SmartSEM* remote API is active and set up correctly, the software should now be fully operational. If the APIs cannot be initialized, you will receive an error message when starting up the application. ----------------------------- System and user configuration ----------------------------- *SBEMimage* comes with a default system configuration (``system.cfg``) and a default user configuration (``default.ini``). Both can be found in the subdirectory ``cfg``. These files cannot be changed (from within *SBEMimage*) because they are used as templates. They should only be updated by developers when new functionality is added. When you save a new user configuration for the first time, you will be asked to provide a name for a new custom system configuration file. This system configuration file will be linked to all user configurations on your setup. Your system configuration file contains settings that are setup-specific and usually don't change often. Your user configuration files contain session and workspace-related parameters that change while your are using the software and while an acquisition is running. You can create as many user configuration files as you wish, for example for different users or one configuration file for each acquisition project. Simply open an existing user configuration .ini file (other than default.ini) and save it under a new name. It's recommended to create a backup of the folder ``\SBEMimage\cfg``, especially of your system configuration file. ----------- Calibration ----------- When you have created your first custom user and system configuration files (see above), you must perform several calibration routines to make *SBEMimage* ready for routine use on your setup. Magnification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the top menu in Main Controls, click on 'Calibration' -> 'Magnification calibration'. Take an image on your SEM with a frame width of either 2048 or 4096 pixels. Use a pixel size that matches your target resolution for tiles, for example 10.00 nm (recommended default choice). In the dialog (see below), select the frame width and pixel size used for that image, and the exact magnification factor you had to select to get that pixel size. Then click on 'Calculate' to calculate the new calibration factor. Confirm the new value by clicking on 'OK'. .. image:: /images/mag_calibration.jpg :width: 250 :align: center :alt: Mag calibration dialog Stage calibration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the top menu in Main Controls, click on 'Calibration' -> 'Stage Calibration' to launch the stage calibration dialog (see below). Start the automatic stage calibration procedure with the default settings by clicking on 'Start automatic calibration'. Click on the button with the question mark for more information. Note that the stage must be calibrated separately for each EHT (high voltage) that you would like to use for your projects. If no calibration is found for the current EHT, a warning message will be displayed. In that case, *SBEMimage* will use whatever calibration is available for the EHT closest to the current EHT. For the automatic calibration routine, you can select different Python packages ('cv2', 'imreg_dft', 'skimage') to perform the pixel shift calculations. If the selected package fails to calculate reasonable parameters for the current sample, try another package. If the automatic routine does not work, you can manually input the pixel shifts. Use a program such as ImageJ to look at the three images that were acquired. You'll find the images in your current base directory (start.tif, shift_x.tif, shift_y.tif). Find an image feature in start.tif and input its precise pixel coordinates (X/Y), then find this feature in the image acquired after the X shift (shift_x.tif) and input the new pixel coordinates. Do the same for the shift in Y direction and click on 'Calculate' to find the new calibration parameters. .. image:: /images/stage_calibration.jpg :width: 600 :align: center :alt: Stage calibration dialog Motor speeds ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the top menu in Main Controls, click on 'Calibration' -> 'Stage Calibration' (same dialog window as for the stage calibration above). Start the automatic motor speed measurement to update the motor speeds. Cut cycle duration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the top menu in Main Controls, click on 'Calibration' -> 'Microtome cut duration'. Set the cut duration of a full cycle in seconds. If you are using DigitalMicrograph, you can read the cut duration in the DM output log after running a cut cycle with *SBEMimage*. .. image:: /images/cut_duration.jpg :width: 250 :align: center :alt: Set cut duration dialog